albion house

a small infill that seeks to compliment a newly renovated home through added entry space and a delicate diffusion of natural light

The client’s home comprised of a small shed, a 1950’s prairie home, and a small addition done several years ago. The goal of the project was to unify all three parts of the home into a cohesive design as well as create an addition for a new foyer and garage. The premise for the foyer addition and new garage was to root them as much as possible to the existing form of the house. The addition of the foyer is comprised of three main elements. An angled stone wall visually ties the addition to the existing home and connects the house to the landscape. An overhang cantilevers over the foyer windows and wraps around the entry door, allowing natural light to be diffused into the room. A limestone-clad planter wall separates the front terrace from the laneway while simultaneously creating a subtle connection between house and site. In order to preserve light entering the kitchen and bedrooms, the garage addition is setback from the existing house, and connected overhead with a plexiglass clerestory, creating a breezeway through the house.
albion house